4 Ways To Learn, Grow & Heal


I’m in the midst of a 7-week journey between Europe and Asia, teaching and writing my next book, but I wanted to come up for air to let you know about 4 different offerings on the horizon.

Write Your Memoir In Malta

The first is my next in-person offering on the island of Gozo in Malta. We’ll be using Internal Family Systems to find your authentic writing voice for the purposes of healing and/or memoir writing. When we write, we’re often blended with one or two parts who may have an agenda, but when we give all relevant parts a chance to be heard, we can write from a more Self-led voice that not only makes for excellent writing, it also helps us integrate, digest, heal, and make meaning from our stories. When we can share those stories in a safe, brave space with others who are healing and story-telling, as we’ll be able to do in a small group in Malta, our parts feel validated, mirrored, witnessed, and more unburdened.

Learn more and register for Internal Family Systems & Memoir Writing in Malta

Write To Heal With Lissa & Frank Anderson, MD

Interested in IFS, self-healing, and memoir writing but can’t make it to Malta? We’ve got you covered! IFS lead trainer, Harvard-trained psychiatrist, and author of the memoir TO BE LOVED Frank Anderson, MD and I are joining forces to offer a 6-week Zoom series WRITE TO HEAL, a 10-step self-help process for working with your parts using IFS at home, between therapy sessions, or as a replacement for therapy for those who can’t afford to get access to an IFS therapist. Whether you’re working on a memoir. wanting to learn more about how to safely let your parts write so you can witness them from Self, or hoping to learn a process you can help your clients use between sessions, we’re excited to be bringing you WRITE TO HEAL.

Learn more and register for a 6-week Zoom online course WRITE TO HEAL here.

Make Sure You’re On Track To Live Your Best Life With YOUR IMPACT & YOUR LEGACY

Have you had a shocking life experience, like a life-threatening illness, a devastating breakup, a psychedelic journey, or a shattering loss that caused you to pause, reflect, review your life so far, and consider reorienting your priorities going forward? If so you might have already spontaneously embarked upon the life-changing process of a life review. But we don’t have to wait for something to shake us up to enjoy the positive impact and mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of looking back at our lives so far so we can align our compasses to live our best lives moving forward. Want to consider your impact and your legacy with the support of a community of safe, brave souls to review your life and plan for your future?

Join us for a Zoom weekend workshop YOUR IMPACT & YOUR LEGACY here.

Get Certified To Practice Whole Heal The “Mind Over Medicine” Way In The Whole Health Medicine Institute

Health care providers and therapists are invited to apply for a 10-month training that focuses on teaching you to facilitate the Six Steps To Healing Yourself, introduces you to many healing modalities you may not have been exposed to in your training, guides you through a Heal The Healer program, and helps you expand your creative visionary business opportunities. We’re now accepting applications for the Whole Health Medicine Institute Class of 2025.

Learn more and apply for the Whole Health Medicine Institute here.

Healing Relationships & Healing From Spiritual Bypassing On Lissa’s Substack

If none of these programs is right for you and you’re wired to keep learning and growing, join our community on Substack to talk about healthy boundaries, recovering from spiritual bypassing tendencies, healing from narcissistic abuse, and other relational healing issues.

Subscribe to Lissa Rankin’s Substack The Body Is A Trailhead

I’ll be back in California mid-November, but until then, I’m sending big hugs and a lot of gratitude to those in England, Scotland, The Maldives, Santorini, and soon Malta who we’ve had the pleasure of being with, being hosted by, and offering our work to. Thank you all for being so gracious as I venture upon this newly empty-nest international journey, now that my 18-year-old daughter has successfully flown the nest and my partner Jeff Rediger has moved full-time to California from Boston. We’re celebrating (and also grieving) these big changes in some of the most stunning places in the world, so we appreciate all of your support, blessings, and patronage.