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A Call To Action For Healers & Creatives In Times Like This

A Call To Action For Healers & Creatives In Times Like This

I just got back from Europe after seven weeks teaching and writing overseas. It was surreal to be away from my country during the election, and it feels weird to be back, given all that’s going on. Parts of me are in shock. Other parts are feeling deja vu, since I was...

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Permission To Feel All Your Feelings This Election Day

Permission To Feel All Your Feelings This Election Day

I feel strangely relieved to be out of the country teaching a writing workshop this election day, as I was during the shocking outcome of the 2016 election. But although I’m in Malta, not California, I am thinking about and praying for the soul of my country every...

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Unpacking The Many Lenses On Dysfunctional Relationships

Unpacking The Many Lenses On Dysfunctional Relationships

  My partner Jeff Rediger and I are in Santorini now, working on co-writing our book about the health implications of narcissistic abuse and personal/ systemic oppression on the body, mind, and spirit. It’s very surreal to be writing in a cafe in Oia, in the very...

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4 Ways To Learn, Grow & Heal

4 Ways To Learn, Grow & Heal

  I’m in the midst of a 7-week journey between Europe and Asia, teaching and writing my next book, but I wanted to come up for air to let you know about 4 different offerings on the horizon. Write Your Memoir In Malta The first is my next in-person offering on...

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Healing Medical Trauma For Our Health Care Providers

Healing Medical Trauma For Our Health Care Providers

  Because I used to be a practicing physician, I’ve tried to keep my finger on the pulse of what it’s been like to practice medicine at a time when it’s become more demoralizing than ever. Especially in the wake of the Covid pandemic, the fallout from both the...

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How An Intentional Life Review Could Impact Your Whole Life

How An Intentional Life Review Could Impact Your Whole Life

When my 59 year old physician father was given three months to live four months after he’d already been cured from an altogether different cancer, I asked myself “If I found out I had only three months to live, would I be living the life I’m living right now?” The...

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Doctors Aren’t Burned Out; We’re Morally Injured

Doctors Aren’t Burned Out; We’re Morally Injured

I once asked my physician mentor Rachel Naomi Remen, author of Kitchen Table Wisdom and the founder of The Healer’s Art (the only education about actual healing taught in medical schools around the world) what it would take to heal our broken health care system....

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