
Healing The Broken Heart

Healing The Broken Heart

Heartbreak is one of the most painful kinds of traumas. When we risk letting our hearts open, we also risk getting our hearts broken. The vulnerability of the open heart, the tenderness of attachment and heart connection, makes us especially raw when someone else...

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Getting Out Of The Power Game

Getting Out Of The Power Game

  We can't read the news these days without reflecting on power and how those who shamelessly abuse power are destroying the world we know. The way I see it when I enter meditative states and vision a future I'd want to leave to my daughter, humans have been...

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The Difference Between Healing & Curing

The Difference Between Healing & Curing

Although we have a ways to go, the zeitgeist is catching up to the idea that 85-90% of medical conditions are caused by or exacerbated by psychological trauma, and we all have been traumatized to some degree. Science now understands the physiology of how...

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“I’m Sorry I Have To Hurt You In Order To Heal You”

“I’m Sorry I Have To Hurt You In Order To Heal You”

*Photo credit Monique Feil I’ve been lucky to mostly avoid hospitals, at least as a patient. Other than childbirth, I was always on the practitioner side of being in hospitals- which is not always a good thing. As portrayed in the movie The Doctor, any doctor who has...

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Healing The Doctor-Patient Relationship, Part 2

Healing The Doctor-Patient Relationship, Part 2

In Healing The Doctor-Patient Relationship, I wrote about the traumas that can happen for both patient and doctor, when the doctor-patient relationship is a patriarchal, hierarchical “power over” structure. But what’s the alternative? How else might we consider...

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Healing The Doctor-Patient Relationship Part 1

Healing The Doctor-Patient Relationship Part 1

When I was training to become a physician, the rules of the broken, outdated, patriarchal medical system were made clear to me. They went something like this. As your doctor, I will sacrifice everything in my personal life in order to fix what is broken in you. I will...

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