Build a Powerful Home Altar


How home altars work

The power of the altar lies in its visual synthesis which is far greater than the sum of its parts. The structure and objects of the altar appeal to our subconscious mind because they give form to the formless and provide a visual representation of our intentions, our desires, our dreams.

The altar objects exert a powerful influence on the subconscious because they simultaneously synthesize various levels of truth beyond the reality of surface appearances, thus helping us to understand and cope with the complexities of life while working at a deeper level than everyday consciousness.

A home altar can be dedicated as a creative respite, a place to meditate, a place to reclaim your power.

Making and using a home altar is an ancient tradition that everyone can follow. The power lies in your intention of creating a sacred space within your home and your heart where you can interact with the physical in a spiritual way. Including elements of scent, sound, and items found in nature will further enhance your home altar’s power. You probably have informal altars in your home already displayed—a collection of items found on hikes, postcards that remind you of a special friend or travel, photos of loved ones, childhood mementos or dried flowers from a special bouquet.

Making and using a home altar is an ancient tradition that everyone can follow. The power lies in your intention of creating a sacred space within your home and your heart where you can interact with the physical in a spiritual way. Including elements of scent, sound, and items found in nature will further enhance your home altar’s power. You probably have informal altars in your home already displayed—a collection of items found on hikes, postcards that remind you of a special friend or travel, photos of loved ones, childhood mementos or dried flowers from a special bouquet.

Making and using a home altar is an ancient tradition that everyone can follow. The power lies in your intention of creating a sacred space within your home and your heart where you can interact with the physical in a spiritual way. Including elements of scent, sound, and items found in nature will further enhance your home altar’s power. You probably have informal altars in your home already displayed—a collection of items found on hikes, postcards that remind you of a special friend or travel, photos of loved ones, childhood mementos or dried flowers from a special bouquet.

Home altars are not static installations or exhibits.

By setting your intention and dedicating, maintaining and interacting with your home-altar, you create a working relationship with the energy it can impart. It is more than a collection of objects. By integrating elements representing fire, water, air, earth, metal and wood, your altar comes alive with a connection to all life. Honoring the seasons with items upon your altar will remind you to reflect about the shifting energies here on planet earth, which affect us all.


Choose traditional symbols to serve as inspiration or attribute your own meaning to items on your altar.

Select objects for your home altar which symbolize, for you, what you wish to attract or manifest in your life. Depending on your cultural background or belief system, there are traditional images that can provide powerful energy for you. For example, Kwan-Yin is the traditional Chinese Goddess of Compassion and Nurturance. Buddha is revered as the God of Compassion, but depending on his accessories can also represent the wish for prosperity, good fortune, happiness or love. Lucky Cats and Money Frogs serve to attract prosperity and good fortune in Asian cultures. Mermaids are found in cultures from around the world and can represent diving deeper into the sea of emotions or seduction of the deep. Dolphins can remind us to play. Guardian Angels watch over us. Choose what resonates for you. Bowls are feminine vessels.A rose on your home altar might represent love or heart energy for you. A rock collected from a day’s hike might serve as a reminder to get out in nature more often or to stay grounded. Adding a photo of yourself when you were fully alive and energized with power is

A rose on your home altar might represent love or heart energy for you. A rock collected from a day’s hike might serve as a reminder to get out in nature more often or to stay grounded. Adding a photo of yourself when you were fully alive and energized with power is personal reminder just for you. A funny toy object might serve to make you chuckle every time you see it bringing laughter into your life. You might include items for spiritual connection, healing, growth, life-transitions, or relationships.


And now, a few tips on how you can get started building your own home altar.

  1. Clear a space in your physical world, and in your heart, and in your soul, and in your mind by saying “I make space for change and for new adventures in my life.” Breathe into it.
  2. Sit quietly and allow your deepest desire for this day, to surface, to bubble up.
  3. If this desire would bring no harm to you, or any other living beings, accept and embrace this message from your “Higher Mojo Self,” without edits or doubts and say “Thank you Higher Mojo Self for this message. I wish to manifest this desire and all else that it might bring to serve me and other living beings today—and this week—and in this lifetime.”
  4. Select a small item to represent what you wish to manifest, to represent your deep desire—and place it in the little space you have cleared. Dedicate it to your Higher Mojo Self and before leaving your altar say “Blessed Be!”
  5. Meditate at your home altar every day this week and add an item as you add the power of your intention.
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