12 Tips For Riding Out The Omicron Wave Safely, Protecting Your Mental Health (& What To Do If You Get It)

12 Tips For Riding Out The Omicron Wave Safely, Protecting Your Mental Health (& What To Do If You Get It)

*The photo is a very blessedly swollen river on Steep Ravine Trail in Stinson Beach. I'm so happy it's been raining nearly all month! First, a disclaimer. I am not a public health doctor, nor a front-line Covid worker. But my colleagues, friends, and clients are,...

Lissa On The Beach
How To Fill Your Tank When You Get Anemic On Life Force

How To Fill Your Tank When You Get Anemic On Life Force

In my next book Sacred Medicine, I divided up the healing tools shared in the book (which will be published by Sounds True in Spring 2022!) into two categories- energy transfusions meant to fill you with life force when you're depleted, and trauma healing tools meant to plug the leaks or unblock where life force gets stagnant because of unhealed trauma. For those who are severely depleted, trauma healing may be premature. It's better to fill your tank before you dive deep into potentially triggering territory.

We Need Trauma Recovery For Health Care Workers

We Need Trauma Recovery For Health Care Workers

Because I used to be a doctor, I have my finger on the pulse of what it's been like to be a front-line Covid doctor, even though I've been safely sheltered in place since retiring from clinical practice over a decade ago. Among my friends, colleagues, clients, and family members are physicians and nurses who have been relentlessly exposed to the traumas of the front lines, not unlike battle-weary soldiers in seemingly endless wars. They have pandemic fatigue, and it's brutal.