Healing Developmental Trauma
What Happens When 5 Core Developmental Needs Are Not Met?

What Happens When 5 Core Developmental Needs Are Not Met?

It sounds weird to say that trauma is hot right now, but it doesn't take much to recognize that after a year of personal and collective trauma, conversations about healing trauma are everywhere. For example, I'm delighted that Oprah Winfrey and Bruce Perry, MD have published their book about developmental trauma- What Happened To You? and Gabor Mate collaborated with the Science & Non-Duality community to release their documentary The Wisdom of Trauma.

Your Illness Could Be The Aftermath Of Nervous System Dysregulation Caused By Untreated Trauma

Your Illness Could Be The Aftermath Of Nervous System Dysregulation Caused By Untreated Trauma

Thanks to Stephen Porges and his Polyvagal Theory, we now know so much more about what happens in the body, in the autonomic nervous system, in the immune system, in the presence of chronic inflammation, and in end organs affected by chronic sympathetic nervous system hyper-arousal and/or chronic dorsal vagal hypo-arousal. This nervous system dysregulation can lead not only to practically every mental health diagnosis in the DSM-V, but also to a host of medical conditions, like: