10 Tips For Times Of Transition

10 Tips For Times Of Transition

As I wrote in Navigating The Space Between Stories, many of us are experiencing more change, more quickly, with more uncertainty, than we’re used to. To meet this need for support during times of change, Dr. Jeffrey Rediger and I are hosting a live, in person...

Navigating The Space Between Stories

Navigating The Space Between Stories

Ever since things started opening back up again after the pandemic, I'm very aware of how much change we're all facing. We are definitely in the "space between stories," when one story is definitely in its death throes, and the next story has not yet made itself...

When You’re Terrified Of Intimacy

When You’re Terrified Of Intimacy

I have a soft spot in my heart for people who both crave and fear intimacy. And I especially feel tender towards couples or besties who have disparities in their tolerance for intimacy. It’s a simple fact that some people grow up with good enough parents in loving...

Healing The Broken Heart

Healing The Broken Heart

Heartbreak is one of the most painful kinds of traumas. When we risk letting our hearts open, we also risk getting our hearts broken. The vulnerability of the open heart, the tenderness of attachment and heart connection, makes us especially raw when someone else...