4 Ways To Learn, Grow & Heal

4 Ways To Learn, Grow & Heal

  I’m in the midst of a 7-week journey between Europe and Asia, teaching and writing my next book, but I wanted to come up for air to let you know about 4 different offerings on the horizon. Write Your Memoir In Malta The first is my next in-person offering on...

Why You’d Be Wise Not To Trust Every Healer (Or Doctor or Therapist) Who Promises To Cure You (& 11 Tips From My Sacred Medicine Book To Keep You Safe From Harm)

Why You’d Be Wise Not To Trust Every Healer (Or Doctor or Therapist) Who Promises To Cure You (& 11 Tips From My Sacred Medicine Book To Keep You Safe From Harm)

*Trigger alert: Emotional, physical, sexual, and financial abuse at the hands of those we entrust to help us heal when we are at our most vulnerable. I used to believe that doctors were heroes, if not gods. My father was one of those doctors I idolized, and at...

2 Playlists To Support Our Burned Out Healers, Our Long Covid & Trauma Survivors, & Anyone Else In Need of Healing

2 Playlists To Support Our Burned Out Healers, Our Long Covid & Trauma Survivors, & Anyone Else In Need of Healing

Rise Up, by Lissa Rankin & her daughter Mira Klein, encaustic on wood panel 18 x 18 To say that this has been a hard two years is literally the understatement of the century. Unless you were alive during the Spanish flu of 1918 or one of the World Wars or the...