In my first TEDx talk, The Shocking Truth About Your Health, I introduced the idea that optimal health requires not just a good diet, daily exercise, and plenty of sleep, but also healthy relationships, a healthy professional life, a healthy spiritual life, and so much more. But in 18 minutes, I didn’t have time to get into any detail about the scientific evidence proving that the Whole Health Cairn wellness model I introduced is essential to good health.
In my second TEDx talk, which I delivered on 11-11-12 in Santa Barbara, I dig deeper into the literature, sharing some mind-blowing data that previews my upcoming book Mind Over Medicine (which is now available for pre-order on Amazon! Woot!) You’ll have to watch it all the way through so you can see the surprise ending that still warms my heart.
As many of you know, I’m on a mission to heal health care, and if you’re one of the many who share my mission, you can help by spreading the word about this TEDx talk. If this talk resonates with you, please post a comment on YouTube about the talk, like it on YouTube, post it on Facebook, tweet it on Twitter. The more attention the talk gets, the more likely it is that will pick it up and promote it. And this is the first step to healing health care – raising consciousness.
In the documentary film I Am, Tom Shadyac says that animals decide to switch watering holes when 51% of them have shifted their consciousness and decided they want to drink from the new watering hole. That’s what needs to happen in order to heal health care – we need 51% of the population to decide they’ve had enough of things as they are, to make the choice to switch to a new consciousness about health care, one that reclaims health care’s heart and approaches it from a much more holistic viewpoint.
This TEDx talk was created to do just that – raise consciousness. So please – watch it. Share it. Help heal health care. It’s going to take a village to enact sustainable change – but it all starts with you.
With love and gratitude,
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