I just found out that Mind Over Medicine debuts on the New York Times Bestseller’s List this Sunday, and it’s all because of YOU. So this is an unabashed love letter. Thank you all for making this great honor happen. I couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you.
Bless you for reading my blog, getting my newsletter, reading The Daily Flame, and following me on Twitter and Facebook, which gave Hay House the confidence to really get behind this book and my mission to help heal health care.
Thank you for buying the book, posting about it on social media, and sharing it with your friends, family members, and health care providers.
Thank you for being part of the revolution to heal health care (if you’re an empowered patient or conscious health care provider, you can join the revolution at HealHealthCareNow.com, which will celebrate its official launch party on July 11.)
And thank you for caring about me, my mission, my writing, your own health and personal growth, and this rockin’ tribe we’ve all created.
There are thousands of new subscribers who have just joined us in the past week, so I want to welcome you too! This is a community filled with empowered patients, conscious health care providers, dreamers, visionaries, life coaches, authors, spiritual leaders, and people committed to healing, connecting, thriving, and making the world a better place. If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place! Join the party, feel the love, speak your truth, and be unapologetically who you really are. (It’s safe to do that here, where you will be loved, not judged, and where the community will embrace you for expressing yourself and letting your freak flag fly.)
The Shift Of Consciousness
A few years back, I had a dream, and in the dream, I saw magnificent mountains covered with millions of people, dressed in brilliant colors and tribal garb from all over the world. The people were standing shoulder to shoulder, covering the mountainsides like a great quilt, and all of them were facing due north, where a bright light was shining on their faces, illuminating them. That’s what I see when I think of healing our broken health care system – all of us, standing shoulder to shoulder, facing north and being the light.
I wish I could throw a global dance party for all the Light Workers who have been part of birthing this book out into the world. I feel it, this shift, and you are a part of it. In the documentary I Am, filmmaker Tom Shadyac shared that when animals decide to switch watering holes, it all starts with a shift of consciousness. They drink out of one watering hole until 51% of the animals decide to drink from a new watering hole, and then the rest of the animals all jump. I think we’re getting close to that 51%.
That’s what hitting the New York Times list signals to me, that the world is ready for this message, and we are all, side by side, basking in the light as our consciousness shifts. This is good, good news, my friends!
I love you. I value you. I’m beyond grateful to you. And I am, as always, holding you in my heart.
My Eggy Book Launch
I previously blogged about the “eggy” book launch I planned and how I didn’t want to “sperm” my way onto the coveted New York Times Bestseller’s List. I said yes to attracting, receiving, and magnetizing, while saying no to pushing, striving, or making it happen. It was a tough balance, because I’m in a business partnership with my publisher, Hay House, plus writing is my career, and there are certain expectations upon me. I need to sell a certain number of books in order to pay back my hefty book advance.
But even though Hay House went out on a limb and bought my next book, the sequel to Mind Over Medicine, The Fear Cure: Cultivating Courage As Medicine For The Body, Mind & Soul, I wasn’t willing to sell out my body, my integrity, or my relationships in order to sell books. Been there, done that. This time, I wanted to try launching a book from a place of trust, not fear. But it was admittedly an experiment. Would it work? Would it actually sell books? Or are “spermy” methods necessary?
I opted out of some of the tactics some authors pursue to hit the New York Times list, like buying their own books and hiring expensive services to fulfill those orders from Indie bookstores that report to the New York Times, exhausting myself by traveling all over the country on a back-to-back book tour, filling my schedule with media interview after interview to the detriment of my own self care and personal relationships, paying out of pocket to hire a PR firm to blast my book across the globe, or pretty much anything that didn’t feel fun, easy, and… well… eggy.
Instead, I opted to launch my book in Atlanta, at the Hay House I Can Do It conference, where I gave an hour long lecture and then, for two hours, I signed books (people were buying 5 at a time for their sick friends, family and friends in health care, their patients, and even their health care providers – until Hay House ran out of books. It was so thrilling to meet the first people who would read my book – many of them visionary doctors like the ones I’m training with Martha Beck, Christiane Northrup, Bernie Siegel, Larry Dossey, and Bruce Lipton in the Whole Health Medicine Institute. Super exciting. It was a good sign.
What Did I Do During My Eggy Book Launch?
The Atlanta event happened a few days before the official launch date of May 7, which I spent in New York City. While I was in New York, I was blessed to stay in a stylin’ condo right on Central Park West, a blessing bestowed upon me by one of my mentoring clients, who spoiled me with flowers and vegan soup and dinner out and her wonderful company. So what did I do during my eggy book launch?
- I started every day with an hour of meditation to ground me, a two hour hike in Central Park, and a fresh green juice before embarking upon my book launch events.
- I appeared on CBS’s Live From The Couch (which you can watch here.)
- I filmed an episode of the Lisa Oz Show (which won’t air until the TV show launches in September – but stay tuned!)
- I spoke at supermodel Christy Turlington’s fund-raising M Power luncheon while Suzanne Vega entertained us (the luncheon supported Christy’s nonprofit Every Mother Counts.)
- I spoke to a sold-out crowd of amazing women at S Factor New York (and yes, we did gyrate our hips!)
- I filmed this video with Gabrielle Bernstein.
- I filmed another video that isn’t yet posted for The Tapping Solution’s Nick Ortner’s tribe (about the self-healing effects of EFT.)
- I had breakfast with MindBodyGreen.com founder Jason Wachob and the site’s lovely editor Kerry Shaw (and have since written two blogs for them – 10 Signs You Have WAY Too Much Cortisol and Was Angelina Jolie “Medically Hexed?”)
- I co-taught a two hour teleclass Make Your Body Ripe For Miracles with my dear friend and mentor Martha Beck.
- I attended my dear friend Nicholas Wilton’s killer art show at Campton Gallery in Soho (it’s still there – so go check it out!)
- I had lunch with Gabby Bernstein and Kundalini yoga teacher Mahankirn Kaur.
- I had dinner with co-conspirators Dr. Frank Lipman, Dr. Kelly Turner, and Maggie Lyon.
- I watched from the sidelines as my blogger friends supported my book. Watch Jonathan Fields interview me for Good Life Project. Listen to Lewis Howes interview me for his podcast. Listen to Amy Ahlers interview me. Read Dr. Mark Hyman’s interview with me here. And check out my guest blogs on Leo Babauta’s Zen Habits and Scott Dinsmore’s Live Your Legend. There’s even more here.
- Plus, I bought myself a new Jill Anderson dress for Mother’s Day, hung out several times with my dear filmmaker friend Wendy Sax, enjoyed the luscious company of Sister Goddess Sharon Friedland, and spent endless hours toodling around the East and West Village (my favorite haunts in New York City.)
- Then I slept 8 hours every night in a really comfy bed after listening to my new friend Dr. Brian Weiss’s guided meditations before bed. Yum.
The Eggy Book Launch Worked!
My New York trip was surprisingly easy, enjoyable, healthy, and full of love and friendship. And yet… the book still made the New York Times Bestseller’s list! As I wrote in this post You’ve Already Arrived, Darling, I was genuinely unattached to achieving this honor. I knew in my heart of hearts that I was worthy and valuable without this external honor. I had told myself to stop striving, that I was already enough, and I honestly felt peace about that. After years of overachieving and attaching to outcomes, I had surrendered to whatever was in the highest good of all beings, and I didn’t need this validation (finally!)
And yet, it happened in a gentle, quiet, restful way. And as I described in Defining Success On Your Own Terms, THAT feels like success to me.
The best part of this great news is that I am now seeing my vision coming into being, as empowered patients and conscious health care providers read this book and write to me to tell me how it is changing their lives. That is the best news of all – and it’s all happening because of you.
A Special Gift For Those Of You Who Made This Dream Possible
As a special thank you, I’ve made you a present. You can now download the FREE Self-Healing Kit at MindOverMedicineBook.com by simply entering your name and email address here. The self-healing kit includes a self-healing guided meditation intended to activate your relaxation responses, which I recorded with musician Karen Drucker in her studio. It also includes printable copies of the Whole Health Cairn, a Diagnosis Journal to help you diagnose the root cause of your illness, a Prescription pad to write your own Prescription, and more.
If you like the Self-Healing Kit, please tell your friends and family about it! And if you liked Mind Over Medicine, please post a review on Amazon and if you feel so inspired, my publisher would be super happy if you buy more copies for your friends, family, and health care providers to help keep the book on the New York Times list.
I hope you enjoy your present! And again, thank you. Deep bow. Namaste, my dear.
Cheers to us all!
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