A Sacred Medicine Approach To Healing Illness Through Clearing Trauma:
with AIT founder Asha Clinton, MSW, Ph.D, founder and President of the Advanced Integrative Therapy Institute &
Lissa Rankin, MD, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute & NY Times Bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine

Are You Curious About How A Sacred Medicine Therapy Could Treat Illness?
Do You Struggle With Painful Thoughts, Beliefs, Or Feelings & Desire Healing?
Are You A Therapist Or Health Care Provider Interested In Learning A New Skill To Help Your Clients & Patients?
Are You Seeking A Tribe of Spiritually-Oriented Healers?
From the AIT perspective,
trauma is the ultimate cause of all illness and suffering.
If you want to remove illness and suffering, the Sacred Medicine therapy, AIT, is a very powerful healing modality.
Lissa Rankin, MD and Asha Clinton, MSW, PhD are joining forces to teach a combined live workshop, which offers Asha’s Advanced Integrative Therapy’s Basics Seminar, a professional physical, psychological, and spiritual therapeutic training enhanced by the twenty year experience of Lissa’s medical background as a physician, as well as Lissa’s ten years of experience researching Sacred Medicine practices, including AIT, as adjunctive or alternative healing modalities for illnesses that are not responding to conventional medicine—and even those that are. If you are a doctor, therapist, energy healer or other practitioner interested in bringing this potent, transformative, often miraculous trauma-healing, spirit-healing and body-healing modality to your clients, this workshop is for you.

Until relatively recently, trauma was believed to be a life-threatening experience that was essentially incurable. War veterans suffering from PTSD, for example, were seen by the psychological community as permanently scarred, and the goal of therapy was simply to improve function and reduce negative consequences such as addiction, violent behavior, and suicide. There was no expectation that trauma could be treated and permanently removed so that these traumatized individuals could experience true mental and physical health, wholeness, and happiness. Things have changed hugely in the past thirty years. The exciting news is that we now know trauma is truly, even easily curable.
Unlike some energy techniques, AIT also treats spiritual disorders and applies spiritual practices from many traditions, making it an even more robust Sacred Medicine tool than some of the others and ideal for people who have experienced trauma as a result of their childhood religion. It also effectively treats people who feel spiritually disconnected because of existential crises of faith, distrust of all things spiritual, hesitation to surrender to a higher power, or resistance to spiritual practices.

What Is AIT?
Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) is the psychodynamic, body-centered, transpersonal whole person modality developed by psychotherapist Asha Clinton that provides permanent relief from many difficult-to-treat psychological disorders, physical diseases, and spiritual impasses as well as individual symptoms. AIT not only addresses trauma as the root cause of many difficult to treat psychiatric and physical health disorders, but actually clears the trauma away. Over twenty years of developing AIT, Asha and the other AIT-trained therapists began to discover a curious phenomenon: As people healed their traumas with AIT, not only did their psychiatric conditions resolve; their bodies, often afflicted with chronic illness as so many with trauma histories are, often responded with unexpected cures.
Starting from the understanding that all upsetting events are types of trauma, Advanced Integrative Therapy quickly removes the aftereffects of such events: disturbing emotions, negative beliefs and attitudes, destructive desires and fantasies, addiction, compulsions, obsessions, dissociation, spiritual blockage, somaticization, sensitivities, and disease.
Its ability to transform negative character structures allows it to treat personality, paranoid, anxiety, and dissociative disorders successfully. To do this, Advanced Integrative Therapy utilizes the movement of energy through and out of the client’s major energy centers to remove symptoms, their causes, and aftereffects. Because of its high level of success, Advanced Integrative Therapy tends to increase practice size through word of mouth alone. Also, a successful AIT therapy takes far less time to complete than other types of therapy do.
Asha and some of the other AIT-trained therapists have recently been using a specially developed form of AIT as both primary and adjunctive treatment for cancer, which while anecdotal and not scientifically verified yet, appears to have resulted in what seem like miraculous cures. Given her interest in “spontaneous remission,” news of AIT’s anecdotal success with cancer caught the attention of Lissa and other physicians interested in learning how to optimize the body’s capacity for cure, especially with regard to recalcitrant or “incurable” physical illnesses.

Why Are Asha Clinton & Lissa Rankin Teaching Together?
Without knowing anything about AIT, Lissa spent the past ten years studying spontaneous remission and the “Sacred Medicine” approaches that often facilitate radical remissions in people who have failed to respond to conventional medical treatment. She has compiled what she has learned into the Whole Health Medicine Institute, a curriculum for health care providers interested in the fully integrated body/psyche/spirit/energy approach to whole health.
Asha and Lissa met when they were both presenting at the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) International Conference in 2017. Lissa was presenting about the 6 Steps To Healing Yourself from Mind Over Medicine, and Asha was presenting about the use of AIT as treatment for cancer. Lissa attended Asha’s seminar and heard Asha share case studies about people with cancer who had been cured from their cancers after having their traumas treated with AIT. Lissa was curious about AIT, resonated with Asha’s presence energetically, and had a hunch that Asha and AIT might have answers to some of the mysterious questions she’s been exploring while working with shamans, traditional medicine men and women, energy healers, faith healers, and trauma therapists all over the world for the past seven years.
Lissa and Asha spent the next two years getting to know one another. Lissa underwent trauma treatment using AIT and was so excited about what AIT makes possible that she felt called to help broadcast AIT to a larger audience, including not just patients, who could read about AIT on Lissa’s blog and in her not-yet-published book, but also physicians and other health care providers who might wish to get trained in AIT or learn more about the modality so they could offer it as a treatment option to patients who might benefit from it.
Treat Your Own Trauma As A Practitioner
In additional benefit to an AIT training is that you will get the chance to experience having your own traumas treated as well as helping others in the group treat theirs. Especially among health care providers, a history of trauma is common. Many experience childhood wounding that conditions them to be willing to violate their bodies, neglect their self care, harm their relationships, and turn their backs on their spirituality as a consequence of becoming professional experts. Even if they have not experienced severe childhood trauma, the subtle traumas of everyday life, compounded by the trauma of professional education like medical school, interrupts the free flow of life force in the energy system, which can impact the psyche, the spirit and the body.

What To Expect From This Training
—Expect training in AIT to grow your practice. After completing AIT Basics, you will be qualified to treat any patient traumas, including your own. Should AIT basics resonate with you, further training is possible that can qualify you to treat more advanced conditions. This is the first in a series of three workshops. Once you have taken even the second one, you will be able to start treating patients psycho-energetically for their diseases. Once you’ve taken all three workshops, you will be able to treat cancer psycho-energetically as well. What AIT offers doctors is the ability to treat the psychological and spiritual causes of disease.
—Expect to learn and practice a method that has you repeating a statement linked to one of the traumas that has interrupted the free flow of the life force in your system, while simultaneously placing your hand on thirteen energy centers (chakras) on your body. For example, one of the statements I recently worked through with Asha was “Because I had to be mother’s perfect child to get her love and couldn’t be that, I’ve achieved and achieved and achieved, but it hasn’t gotten me the unconditional love that I’ve always craved.” I repeated this statement while one hand rested on my heart and another moved to different parts of my body until the intense emotions of this statement were cleared from my body. Muscle testing (applied kinesiology) was used throughout. You will learn how to hold compassionate witnessing space for this technique, while also learning to craft these statements, where to guide your client/patient to place his or her hands, how to use muscle testing in a way that avoids its potential pitfalls, and how to use 3-Step Transformation, AIT’s profound method for quickly producing complete transformation.
—Expect a theoretical discussion about the primacy of trauma in the development of psychological and physical health disorders.
—Expect to learn all appropriate energy psychology skills, as well as the AIT Covenant, which allies the client’s conscious and unconscious toward healing, thereby removing most resistance. The training focuses on four simple trauma treatment protocols as well as two protocols that awaken or install positive beliefs, attitudes, desires, and qualities. These are explained, demonstrated, and practiced by all participants. What previously took months of work to transform now takes minutes.
—Expect exercises Lissa leads to open your heart, begin to heal what needs transforming, and create bonding, connection, and healing within the group.
—Expect laughter. Expect tears. Expect music. Expect dancing. Expect to feel safely held and loved in a community of open-hearted people devoted to the helping professions. Expect to be surprised. Expect awe. Expect transformation. Expect to leave with tools that allow for ongoing transformation, so the energetic imprint of the workshop does not end when we say goodbye.
—Expect to enjoy the natural beauty of the Acqua Hotel in Mill Valley, CA, which is set right on the Bayfront, within walking distance of fine dining and Bayfront hiking trails and within short driving distance of Muir Woods National Monument, the Sausalito ferry into downtown San Francisco, and the quaint village of Mill Valley.
—Expect the gifts to keep on giving after the workshop is over. Once you complete the AIT training, you’ll also receive two sessions of AIT basic supervision following the training, so that any glitches in your use of AIT will be quickly resolved. You’ll also receive mp3s of all of the AIT meditations.
Who Should Attend This AIT Training?
All helping professionals. This course is designed for doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, midwives, nurses, chiropractors, acupuncturists, body workers, energy healers, spiritual guides and counselors. Participants will leave with all the skills necessary to immediately use Advanced Integrative Therapy in their practices and on themselves.

Details Of The Training
When: August 8–11, 2019
The Acqua Hotel, Mill Valley, California
Daily Schedule: Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Investment Cost: $797*
The cost includes not only the workshop tuition, but also two sessions of AIT basic supervision following the training, as well as mp3s of all the AIT meditations.
*The cost of the hotel and meals will be at your own expense. We have reserved a discounted block of rooms at the Acqua Hotel, but hotel reservations are limited, so book your room by early to secure your room and receive the hotel discount.

The Acqua Hotel is a 49-room modern boutique hotel situated on the picturesque shores of Richardson Bay in full view of Mt. Tamalpais. You’ll appreciate both the peaceful natural setting and the prime location in the heart of the Bay Area.
If you’re not sure whether this program is right for you, we suggest you surrender it to the Universe, then pay attention to any guidance that shows up. We trust that your body’s wisdom, your intuition, synchronicity, your dreams, messages from other people, and other forms of spiritual guidance will help you know whether this program is right for you. Trust yourself and don’t let the Gremlins talk you out of what your heart knows is true for you. We trust that the right people will be drawn into this soul tribe. If you’re one of them, WELCOME!
With love and gratitude,
Lissa Rankin & Asha Clinton
ASHA CLINTON, MSW, PhD, is the developer of Advanced Integrative Therapy, a new depth therapy that integrates the energetic removal of trauma from body, psyche and spirit with depth analytic understanding.
A former Princeton professor in full-time practice for 37 years, she trained in analytical psychology, expressive arts therapy, object relations, self psychology, and Sufi and Buddhist practice, later integrating them all into AIT.
She has developed and taught 14 AIT seminars focusing on the comprehensive treatment of the attachment, personality, anxiety, and dissociative disorders, and on the treatment of historical trauma, psychogenic illness, triggers, and spiritual blockage, and has written the manuals for each.
She has taught AIT seminars in the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, Denmark, Guatemala, and El Salvador, and participates in AIT trauma relief projects with the Maya and Xinca of Guatemala, the Navajo, in post-9/11 New Jersey, and in post-Katrina New Orleans. She has also been actively involved in training AIT teachers and supervisors.
Lissa Rankin, MD
Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of The Daily Flame, Mind Over Medicine, The Fear Cure, and The Anatomy of a Calling is a physician, speaker, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, creator of The Daily Flame, and mystic. Passionate about what makes people optimally healthy and what predisposes them to illness, she discovered that connecting with your “Inner Pilot Light” is not only essential to optimal health, making your body ripe for miracles; it’s also the golden ticket to finding and fulfilling your calling, nurturing healthy relationships, being a loving, responsible, ethical Soul Tribe member, downloading creative new ideas from the muse, and restoring peace on earth. Bridging between seemingly disparate worlds, Lissa is a connector, collaborator, curator, and amplifier, broadcasting not only her unique visionary ideas, but also those of cutting edge visionaries she discerns and trusts, especially in the field of her latest research into “Sacred Medicine.” In 2012, Lissa founded the Whole Health Medicine Institute, where she and a team of luminary faculty like Deepak Chopra, Rachel Naomi Remen, Bernie Siegel, and Joan Borysenko train physicians and other health care providers about “Whole Health” and the “6 Steps to Healing Yourself.” Lissa has starred in two National Public Television specials, her TEDx talks have been viewed over 4 million times, and she leads workshops, both online and at retreat centers like Esalen, 1440, Omega, and Kripalu.
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