Mind Over Medicine:
6 Steps To Healing

Yourself Workshop

with Lissa Rankin, MD

Are you on a healing journey, struggling to heal illness, injury or trauma?

Are you a caregiver supporting a loved one who is sick, injured, or traumatized?

Have you or your loved one tried everything conventional medicine has to offer, but you’re still suffering?

Are you a health care provider or healer who just knows there’s more to whole health than the traditional medical system understands or practices?

If so, this Mind Over Medicine workshop might be just what the doctor ordered!

Based on Lissa Rankin, MD’s New York Times bestselling book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself, Dr. Rankin’s popular TEDx talks, the National Public Television Special Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine, and seven years of unpublished research into energy healing, shamanism, indigenous medicine and other spiritual healing methods Dr. Rankin has been studying for her next book Sacred Medicine, this workshop is intended to support anyone on a healing journey from illness, injury or trauma—or those who help others heal.

The premise of Mind Over Medicine is that the materialist, reductionist bio-medical model of medicine, while sometimes life-saving, is incomplete to optimize the “Whole Health” approach to the body that Dr. Rankin teaches. While conventional medicine can work wonders for acute emergencies, it often fails to explore and treat what makes people’s natural self-healing mechanisms break down, making them vulnerable to diseases like cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and hard-to-treat infections like Lyme disease. We all have natural self-healing mechanisms, but as Mind Over Medicine explains scientifically, these self-healing physiological properties of the body only function when the nervous system is in the homeostatic “rest and repair” mode of the parasympathetic nervous system (or “relaxation response”). Yet too many people suffer from disease-inducing factors like toxic relationships, soul-sucking jobs, chronic loneliness, blocked creativity, financial stress, unhealed trauma, and spiritual disconnection, which activate the disease-inducing “fight or flight” stress response. The Mind Over Medicine model helps you address what may be making your body vulnerable to disease and guides you through a scientifically-based approach to making your body ripe for miracles.

The 6 Steps To Healing Yourself 

The 6 steps address healing limiting health beliefs, finding the right healing support, connecting to what Dr. Rankin calls your “Inner Pilot Light,” diagnosing the root causes of your illness, writing an intuitively-guided Prescription for healing yourself, addressing the fears and resistance that interfere with implementing the Prescription, treating the traumas that create the energetic blocks in the body, and surrendering to the power of Love (the Divine) in whatever way you relate to the Great Mystery. Consider the 6 Steps To Healing Yourself the medical and psychiatric equivalent of what the 12 steps might be for healing from addiction. By coming together to practice the 6 steps together, we optimize the healing power of resonant bonding, energy healing, and loving community bound by the intention to heal.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Benefit from an energetically conditioned healing space and a conscious community of others who are gathered together with the sole purpose of healing ourselves and each other.
  • Practice the 6 Steps To Healing yourself in a healing community of others who are doing the same.
  • Begin the work of diagnosing the root cause of your illness.
  • Learn evidence-based trauma healing techniques intended to clear your system of traumas that may be interfering with your ability to fully heal.
  • Learn the cutting edge Sacred Medicine tools you might include in your Prescription.
  • Take a stab at writing The Prescription for your own self-healing journey.
  • Address and treat any fears or resistance that may arise as you dive into the depths of what may be underlying your illness, injury or emotional pain.
  • Learn and embody spiritual practices intended to help you surrender to the Divine (whatever that means to you) when you’ve maxed out everything you can proactively do to make your body ripe for miracles.
  • Experience art, music, safe touch, dance, and group energy healing as medicine for your body, mind, and soul.

Workshop Details

When: June 20–23, 2019, 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. PT daily
Where: The Acqua Hotel, Mill Valley, California
Tuition Price: $799

*You will be responsible for airfare, hotel costs, and food. The hotel provides a delicious, complete buffet breakfast and wine/cheese/cookies in the evenings. We have negotiated a discounted hotel rate at this beautiful waterfront property. Hotel room rates range from $260/night to $290/night if you reserve your room before rooms fill up.

Prerequisite: Read Mind Over Medicine by Dr. Lissa Rankin, MD

Refund Policy: 100% refund through May 1, 2019. After May 1 no refund available. If you have questions about the workshop to help determine if it’s for you, please reach out before buying at pearl@lissarankin.com.

The Acqua Hotel
555 Redwood Hwy, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: (415) 380-0400

The Acqua Hotel is a 49-room modern boutique hotel situated on the picturesque shores of Richardson Bay in full view of Mt. Tamalpais. You’ll appreciate both the peaceful natural setting and the prime location in the heart of the Bay Area. Located in the heart of Marin County, the Acqua Hotel is only a six minute drive from the Golden Gate Bridge and an 18-minute drive from Muir Woods. It is an upscale base for those who like to have all the best San Francisco bay area experiences within easy grasp.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not a doctor, therapist, or licensed professional. Do I still qualify for this workshop?
Unlike many of Dr. Rankin’s programs, you do not need to be a licensed health care or mental health care professional to participate in this program. Anyone in need of healing or anyone interested in helping others heal is welcome.

What if I am very sick? Is it safe?
We will do our best to accommodate disabilities or medical needs but some activities will require limited movement. If you cannot participate in these activities, you are still welcome. Emergency medical care will only be available if you call 911 (Marin General Hospital is very close by) or visit the Urgent Care center just across the highway (five-minute drive), so please check with your doctor before attending to make sure you are stable to travel and attend a workshop.

Are scholarships available?
We maxed out our scholarships this past year and cannot offer any for this workshop, but we are in the process of trying to fund raise for more scholarships in the future.

Do you offer CEUs or CMEs?
Not at this time. Because the criteria we must meet in order to qualify for offering continuing education credits are so rigid, and because following the energetic flow of what is needed for healing requires fluidity, we have chosen to opt out. We apologize if that means you can’t attend.

I have questions about the workshop. Who can I contact?
For customer service questions, email or call Pearl Macalley at pearl@lissarankin.com or (415) 943-0094.

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