Preorder The Fear Cure & Collect Goodies


The Fear Cure officially launches February 24! (Read why I wrote The Fear Cure and how it might liberate you here.) So . . . I need your help.

Book sellers are funny creatures who like to have evidence that people care about the book before the actual book launches. They’re afraid to order too many books in case the book is a total flop and they get stuck having to pay to ship books back. But if they don’t order enough books, then when you beautiful people head to bookstores or order your books online on launch day, they’ll run out of books and you’ll be left empty-handed.

Anyway, it helps booksellers get a read on how many books they’re safe to order if the book gets a bunch of preorders. So this is where those of you who serve the same thing I serve can help further our collective mission. In case the mission to shift planetary consciousness isn’t motivating enough, we’ve set up some juicy preorder incentives. So dig in!



Just one book purchase gets you free tickets to a live two hour workshop with Lissa & Tosha Silver, author of Outrageous Openness.

Where: Santa Sabina Center, San Rafael, CA (Or in your own home anywhere in the world, via Livestream.)

When: February 24, 7–9 p.m. PST (If you can’t attend live, we’ll be sending you the recording afterwards.)

What: To celebrate the day The Fear Cure launches, Lissa & Tosha will be leading a workshop about transforming fear into courage through the art of spiritual surrender. Lissa will talk about The Fear Cure, Tosha and Lissa will lead you in some workshop exercises that you’ll be able to participate in wherever you are, and then they’ll answer Q&A from live audience members, as well as those of you participating via Livestream. FUN! Come feel the love, in person or virtually.


* Attendance at the in-person event is limited to 100 people so RSVP right away to reserve your spot.




When you buy three books, you’ll still get “TRANSFORM FEAR WITH SPIRITUAL SURRENDER” With LISSA & TOSHA, but you’ll ALSO get an invitation to participate in an 8-week teleclass series Lissa will be teaching in May–June 2015 as a way to deepen your experience of The Fear Cure.

This teleclass includes:

  • Seven 60 minute teleclass modules
  • Two LIVE Q&A calls with Lissa & Rachel Naomi Remen, MD
  • Bonus calls from awesome people Lissa has yet to choose
  • Access to a private Facebook forum where those of you bravely facing your fears can support one another in soul community

The class won’t be happening until May, but when it does launch, you’ll be able to participate without paying the $297 tuition. And all it will cost you is the price of three books (approximately $60.) Plus, you’ll be supporting our collective mission, helping Lissa get this book into the hands of those it can really help, and calming down those worried book sellers! We’re hoping you’ll know exactly who in your life needs your extra copies of the books and that your gift to them will be its own little miracle.


The Fine Print & FAQ’s

1. So how does this work?

Buy your books wherever you like to purchase books, online or in your local bookstore. Then just plug in how many books you bought, along with your receipt number. Then make sure you let us know whether you’ll be attending the live workshop with Lissa & Tosha in person or virtually via Livestream. If you’ve purchased three books, we’ll make sure you get access to the teleclass program when we run it live in May 2015. So stay tuned, we’ll be sending those instructions to you later on.

2. What if I’ve already preordered The Fear Cure?

Don’t worry. If you’ve already ordered one copy of the book, just track down your receipt number and plug it in, and you can still get your free access to the live workshop. If you’ve already bought one book, but you also wish to qualify for the teleclass series, just go ahead and order two more books, fill in “3 books” on our form, and give us the new receipt number. Then you’ll get all the gifts.

3. What if I decide I want these gifts after the book launches on February 24?

Sorry. This is an incentive for preorders, so this offer expires February 23. After the book launches, these products will be available at their retail price.

4. Why aren’t you asking us to pay you directly for the books like so many other authors do?

Book launches can be a heyday for the Small Self. That egoic part of an author can easily be motivated by a fear-based story of scarcity, wherein the author thinks he or she has to “make it happen” or the book will fail. It’s also easy to attach to a story that links the success of a book launch to the author’s inherent worthiness. So some authors try to manipulate the system in order to make sure their book hits the New York Times bestseller’s list. They’ll often ask you to pay them directly for the books, then they’ll pay insane six-figure price tags to a fulfillment house that will order those books in small numbers from small bookstores around the country who report to the New York Times. No judgment against those who choose to do this. We’re all entitled to our own journey. But we don’t choose to operate from the very fear-based beliefs we’re trying to help heal in the world.

So . . . when we invite you to preorder the book, we trust that you’ll purchase these books ethically, insert real, valid receipt numbers, and receive our gifts with the spirit of generosity with which they’re intended. (Karma, people.)

5. How can I get involved in spreading the word?

Feel free to share this preorder offer with your friends. You might even gift someone three books and the associated gift package. Or maybe you’re a coach, spiritual teacher, workshop leader, or healer who would find this book helpful for your own clients. Feel free to preorder extras to give to your clients as part of your own packages. If we can help you with bulk orders, feel free to reach out to, and Pearl can help you facilitate bulk orders at a discounted rate.

Thank You From Lissa

Thank you all for being here to support the journey of writing this book. It was a bit of a beast to write. (If you’re ever arrogant enough to think you can write a book called The Fear Cure, be ready to look at all your darkest shadow!) I couldn’t have been brave enough to do this without you. I bow in gratitude to you. Bless you.

With love and deep appreciation,

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