Have You Found Your Calling Yet?

Have You Found Your Calling Yet?

You are a hero. I am a hero. We are all, every single one of us, on what Joseph Campbell calls “a hero’s journey.” We all have within us a Nelson Mandela or Joan of Arc or Luke Skywalker or Mother Teresa or Harry Potter. Like all of these classic heroes, we are all...
The Anatomy Of A Calling

The Anatomy Of A Calling

It all started when I was seven years old and the chimney sweep found a nest of newborn baby squirrels in our chimney. Mom wanted to leave them – to let nature take its course, but I was having none of that. I insisted she take me to the vet so I could learn how...
7 Myths About Finding Your Calling

7 Myths About Finding Your Calling

Finding your calling is all the rage these days. It’s sexy to find your calling. Everyone’s doing it, it seems. Finding your calling is the new black. But if you’re one of the many who haven’t yet found it, the process of seeking it can make you feel psycho, like...
Find Your Calling

Find Your Calling

I thought I found my calling back when I was seven when a chimney sweep found a nest of hairless, newborn baby squirrels I vowed to nurse back to health. Those squirrels were just the first of dozens of baby squirrels I raised over the next fifteen years, earning me...