by Lissa Rankin | Feb 27, 2017 | Relationships
I first heard the term “generous listening” almost ten years ago, when I took a workshop for doctors with Rachel Naomi Remen, MD. She told us that most doctors don’t listen generously. They’re always in their heads, trying to fix someone, rushing to a diagnosis and...
by Lissa Rankin | Dec 5, 2013 | Mental Health
How many times have you heard variations on this conversation? Person A: How’s it going? Person B: I’m insanely busy. You know, the usual. Person A: Yeah, me too. I’m scheduling into 2015 already. Person B: I get it. Haven’t taken a real vacation in over a year....
by Lissa Rankin | Aug 30, 2012 | Relationships
You know how the inner dialogue goes. I certainly do. My twenty-something years are full of journal entries scribbling it out. My ping-pong dialogue looked something like this, and I suspect yours sounds pretty dang similar: He loves me. He must love me. I can tell he...