What’s It Like to Be You?

What’s It Like to Be You?

When I came back from Bali after the US presidential election, I took a several month hiatus from Facebook because I couldn’t tolerate all the hateful, polarizing energy I felt on both sides of the left/right divide. Even off Facebook, I felt pain in my community. I...
Holding Space When Someone Is In Pain

Holding Space When Someone Is In Pain

I first heard the term “generous listening” almost ten years ago, when I took a workshop for doctors with Rachel Naomi Remen, MD. She told us that most doctors don’t listen generously. They’re always in their heads, trying to fix someone, rushing to a diagnosis and...
Soften into the Pain

Soften into the Pain

Communing with the Pueblo ancestors at Bandelier National Monument In the past couple of weeks, three people I love dearly died. Two were quite young and died tragically. Scott Dinsmore Scott was a beloved friend whose hand I held as he skyrocketed to very quick,...