The Real Reason Doctors Become Doctors

The Real Reason Doctors Become Doctors

You might think doctors enter the field of medicine in order to get rich, please their parents, or gain status, and sure, there are probably some money-driven doctors who were given only two choices of professions by their parents-medicine or the law. While I’m not...
Medicine, I Forgive You

Medicine, I Forgive You

Dear Medicine, I know you thought you were helping me when you taught me that the needs of my patients were more important than my own self care. I know you thought you were training me to be an exceptional doctor when you forced me to scrub into surgery when I had...
A Vision To Heal Health Care

A Vision To Heal Health Care

I once wrote a whole book that is yet unpublished called BROKEN: One Doctor’s Search For The Lost Heart Of Medicine. It’s still unpublished, but I now know the real reason – because my role is not just to raise awareness of how broken our system is, but to be a...