Extend Compassion To Both Victims & Perpetrators; But Not At The Expense Of Reparations For Victims & Accountability For Perpetrators

Extend Compassion To Both Victims & Perpetrators; But Not At The Expense Of Reparations For Victims & Accountability For Perpetrators

A few days ago, I posted 23 Ways To Spot Cultic Leaders, and it’s obvious from the almost 400 comments that a lot of people have been hurt by people who abused their power in ways that cause irreparable kinds of harm. I want to start by saying to the victims of cultic...
Why Spiritual Bypassing Is Not Just A Benign Narcotic Helping You Avoid Your Trauma; It’s A Social Justice Nightmare

Why Spiritual Bypassing Is Not Just A Benign Narcotic Helping You Avoid Your Trauma; It’s A Social Justice Nightmare

  “Choose love instead of fear.” “Don’t polarize; unify- because we are all One.” “Don’t complain about your lot in life. Your soul chose this incarnation so you could grow.” “Don’t protest. Pray for world peace instead.” “Forgive and forget and move on.” “Turn the...