by Karoline | Jan 25, 2023 | Healing, IFS, Mental Health, Relationships, Social Justice
Over the course of my life, in my romantic partnerships and friendships and business partnerships, I have sometimes been the more traumatized person, tended to gently by someone less traumatized or further along in recovery and I have sometimes been the less...
by Lissa Rankin | Oct 18, 2021 | Healing, Mental Health, Social Justice, Spiritual Bypassing, Spirituality, Trust
A few days ago, I posted 23 Ways To Spot Cultic Leaders, and it’s obvious from the almost 400 comments that a lot of people have been hurt by people who abused their power in ways that cause irreparable kinds of harm. I want to start by saying to the victims of cultic...
by Lissa Rankin | Oct 14, 2021 | Healing, Mental Health, Social Justice, Spiritual Bypassing, Spirituality, Trust
I was mid-research into Sacred Medicine and a doctor I know said, “Hey, come to this secret meeting with a shaman from a remote tribe who is in town only for this week to share his sacred wisdom. Oh, and wear white. And bring your checkbook.” When I got there, a lot...
by Lissa Rankin | Oct 13, 2021 | Healing, Mental Health, Social Justice, Spiritual Bypassing, Spirituality, Trust
“Choose love instead of fear.” “Don’t polarize; unify- because we are all One.” “Don’t complain about your lot in life. Your soul chose this incarnation so you could grow.” “Don’t protest. Pray for world peace instead.” “Forgive and forget and move on.” “Turn the...