People Who Provide The Spark Don’t Often Get To Sit By The Fire, But Let’s At Least Try To Make A Freakin’ Bonfire Together

People Who Provide The Spark Don’t Often Get To Sit By The Fire, But Let’s At Least Try To Make A Freakin’ Bonfire Together

When we look back at history, we see that the greatest catalysts for change, especially in social justice realms, rarely get to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Usually, as with Martin Luther King, Jr and his “I have a dream” vision, it’s quite the...
Are You “Spiritual but Not Religious?”

Are You “Spiritual but Not Religious?”

  When I talk to some people about spirituality, they commonly respond with, “Oh, but I’m not religious,” to which I respond, “Yeah, me neither.” Then they look a bit puzzled. The way I see it, every religion is some human being’s interpretation of spiritual...