by Lissa Rankin | Mar 23, 2022 | Creativity, Healing, Mental Health, Relationships, Spirituality, Trust
Synchrodestiny got hold of me recently. I had just gotten off the phone with Esalen Institute, planning my first post-pandemic 5 day Sacred Medicine workshop at Esalen in May and a month-long Burnout Recovery For Health Care Workers & Therapists in the fall,...
by Lissa Rankin | Mar 14, 2022 | COVID, Environment, Healing, Mental Health, Relationships, Social Justice, Trust
As I watch the horrifying news in Ukraine, as hospitals are bombed and unarmed civilians, some of them children, are killed, I can’t help wondering about the question I asked every healer, guru, spiritual leader, mind-body doctor, and trauma therapist during...
by Lissa Rankin | Mar 7, 2022 | Environment, Healing, Mental Health, Relationships, Social Justice, Trust
It guts me- and so many of you- to watch the violence, to see the innocent people suffering, to gaze in horror as a bully abuses his fellow humans, to witness a colonizer invading, feeling entitled to a country he is not entitled to dominate. The human toll is...
by Lissa Rankin | Nov 15, 2021 | Healing, Mental Health, Social Justice, Spiritual Bypassing, Spirituality, Trust
Just as a point of inquiry, let’s take a moment to explore the relationship between common religious and spiritual teachings and how they might be linked to oppression. I don’t believe there’s some Evil Cabal out to control the world, but let’s...
by Lissa Rankin | Oct 13, 2021 | Healing, Mental Health, Social Justice, Spiritual Bypassing, Spirituality, Trust
“Choose love instead of fear.” “Don’t polarize; unify- because we are all One.” “Don’t complain about your lot in life. Your soul chose this incarnation so you could grow.” “Don’t protest. Pray for world peace instead.” “Forgive and forget and move on.” “Turn the...