Pleasure As A Spiritual Path

Pleasure As A Spiritual Path

I have mastered pain as a spiritual path. Throw conflict, trauma, and drama at me and I can alchemize it into spiritual gold. Sic a pit bull on me and I’ll milk it for all it’s worth, finding the fierce grace in every ounce of agony. Put me in the midst of people with...
Are You “Spiritual but Not Religious?”

Are You “Spiritual but Not Religious?”

  When I talk to some people about spirituality, they commonly respond with, “Oh, but I’m not religious,” to which I respond, “Yeah, me neither.” Then they look a bit puzzled. The way I see it, every religion is some human being’s interpretation of spiritual...
Has Spirituality Become Trendy?

Has Spirituality Become Trendy?

I was reading Chris Grosso’s new book The Indie Spiritualist, and while this deep, meaningful, funny, engaging, reverently irreverent book about spirituality has much to love, I found myself particularly drawn to a section where he expresses his uneasiness with...