Apology to God/Goddess

Apology to God/Goddess

You came like a bolt of lightning in the form of a man. You gazed into my eyes and showed me myself. You quieted my mind and dropped me into Awareness. You held my hand and coursed through me like a river of pulsing vibration. You came into me and shook me with...
How Loss Can Initiate You

How Loss Can Initiate You

I’ve experienced a lot of loss this year. Most of the loss has come as my own choice, which in some ways makes it even harder. I can’t even fall back on feelings of victimhood because I’ve brought all this loss upon myself, not because I’m a masochist, but because I’m...
“To Do” Or Not “To Do”

“To Do” Or Not “To Do”

I recently attended an event with a coach who challenged us to stop dreaming so much and start DOING something about our dreams.  He likened our big dreams to an acorn that had the potential to become an oak tree, and in scenario after scenario, he gave us examples...
Women, Please Stop Shaming Men

Women, Please Stop Shaming Men

As research for my upcoming book The Fear Cure, I’m rereading Brené Brown’s ground-breaking book Daring Greatly. In it, she discusses the difference between how men and women experience shame. There’s a lot of talk in our culture about how women have been...